Yearbook Resources

Download: NFMC Special Requirements for Club Yearbook (ME 5-2)

If you are submitting your Club Yearbook to be graded, it should contain the following:

Cover: Name of the club, NFMC Insignia, state insignia (if your state has one), city and state, and year. (NFMC Insignia above state insignia, or, if on the same level, to the left of state insignia)

Page one: Name of club, dates of organization and affiliation with NFMC, themes of National and State Presidents

  • Dates of affiliation with NFMC can be found on the Senior Clubs page
  • National President’s Theme & Song can be found on the NFMC Officers page
  • State President’s Theme & Song can be found on the AFMC Officers page

National positions and addresses: NFMC Headquarters, President, First Vice President, Vice President in Charge of your region, National Board Member representing your state, club members serving in National capacity

State positions and addresses: State and District Officers, club members serving in state and district capacity (state and district placed after national)

Club Officers and Committees (club must be placed after state and district)

NFMC Collect and Federation Hymn

Words of NFMC Official Invocation with the following credit line: “Printed by permission of the Publisher, Theodore Presser Company, 1954 Mowbray Music” and/or The NFMC Benediction, “The Gift of Song”, Only words and melody line may be reprinted

NFMC Together We Sing: month, title, composer

Calendar of events with date: Include National Music Week with theme, dates and places of national and state conventions, board meetings, festivals, Federation days etc. View Calendar

Special Programs: Parade of American Music (November), NFMC Founder’s Day, Sacred Music, Folk Music, Leadership/orientation, International Music, Folk Music, National Music Week (May)

Names, Addresses, Telephone numbers, E-mail Addresses of Club Members

Scholarships Given

Club Constitution, Charter, Bylaws and Standing Rules

Send a copy of your yearbook to:
Vicki Carr, AFMC President
6509 Lakeview Dr
Texarkana, TX 75503-1925
(903) 793-1481 (home)
(903) 277-4124 (cell)


Jimmie Sinquefield, AFMC Treasurer
208 E Walters Blvd
New Boston, TX 75570-3807
(903) 276-7139 (home)


Patsy Whitaker, NFMC Yearbook Evaluation Chair
132 Elizabeth St.
Bamburg, SC 29003
(803) 245-4232