Timeline for Junior Festival Participation

Read complete instructions on each form.


Area Chairs and Teachers
Join a Sr. Club in your area of the state and pay dues directly to that club, or pay for an Individual Membership ($50) and send the fee directly to the AFMC Treasurer.


Area Chairs

  • Send in form Ark Jr. Siteto the AFMC Festival Chair, due September 1, after having secured the site, date and time for your area Festival.
  • Find out from teachers an estimate of the number of students who will be involved in the upcoming Festival.
  • Obtain from the NFMC website under Festivals the brochure (free download) JR 3-18(Junior Festival Procedures Manual).

Also helpful are:


  • Order a Federation Festivals Bulletinfrom the National Federation of Music Clubs: (317) 882‑4003 or nfmc-music.org
  • Read the first part of the book for instructions: “General Festival Rules” and “Official Federation Cup Award Plan.” Regulations are listed within each category in which you might enter students.


Area Chairs
Send in form Ark Jr. Order to the AFMC Festival Chair, due September 25. The order may include written Theory Tests, State Certificates, Superior Certificates and Consecutive Superior Certificates.


  • Send in form Ark Jr. Duesplus the fee to the AFMC Treasurer, due October 25. The fee is $22 for a Jr. Club of 16 or less members, and $1.50 per member for Jr. Clubs of 17 or more members. Plus, send $6 per teacher/counselor for the required subscription to Junior Keynotes Magazine.
  • Purchase copies of the “required” music selections, as listed in the Bulletin, from music stores in your area and online.


Area Chairs

  • Procure judges to adjudicate at the Festival.
  • Let teachers know the deadline date for items you need from them: fees, applications, “office work.”

Offer to assist the Area Chair either before the Festival or during the day of the event.


Area Chairs
Fill out and send in Ark JR 3-3 (Summary) and Ark JR 3-4 (Scores) within 2 weeks after the Festival.

Fill out and send in Ark JR 4-2 (Cup) within 2 weeks after the Festival if you participate in the “Federation Cup Award Plan.”

AFMC Festival Chair & Federation Cup Chair
Shelly Brown
20 Penny Lou Ln
Texarkana, AR 71854-8375
(903) 824-0501 (cell)