NFMC Benediction

Official benediction of the National Federation of Music Clubs

The Gift of Song

May we ever grateful be
For the beauty of this day.
For love, for friends, for the gift of song,
Lord hear us as we pray.
Bless us as we leave this place
To go upon our way.
May the love of music bind our hearts
As we join as one and say,
Thank you Lord, Gracious Lord,
Thank you for this day.

Lana M. Bailey

The National Federation of Music Clubs is pleased to announce a new official NFMC Benediction, adopted at the 2003 fall session held in Nashville, Tennessee. The process for selecting a new benediction was begun in 2001 with a nationally publicized benediction competition.

At the 2003 Fall Session, NFMC President, Dr. Ouida Keck, announced that the judges had selected a winner, and the NFMC Board of Directors adopted “The Gift of Song” composed by Lana M. Bailey (nom de plume, Paige Turner).

“The Gift of Song” is available from NFMC Headquarters, either Unison/2-Part Voice (M 1-1) or SATB (M 1-1a).