AFMC Officers 2021-23

Kathie White
Kathie WhitePresident
125 Larkspur Ct
Hot Springs, AR 71901

President’s Theme: Music has the power to bring people together.
President’s Song: Over my head I hear music in the air

Jimmie Stephens
Jimmie StephensTreasurer
2287 Boston Ave
New Boston, TX 75570
Carol Moore
Carol MooreVice President
11164 Frisco Drive
Farmington, AR 72730
Frank Ferguson
Frank FergusonParliamentarian
324 W Bolling St
Monticello, AR 71655-5508
Nancy Griffin
Nancy GriffinRecording Secretary
6514 W Main
Jacksonville, AR 72076
Dr. Chris Thompson
Dr. Chris ThompsonChaplain
Dr. Chris Thompson
56 McClellan Dr
PO Box 3664
Walnut Ridge, AR 72476-4477

Barbara Lippincott
Barbara LippincottHistorian
28 Laurencekirk Place
Bella Vista, AR 72715

Junior Advisor
Janine Tiner
3621 N Magnolia St
North Little Rock, AR 72116-8741
(501) 758-6563 (home)

Corresponding Secretary
Shelly Brown
20 Penny Lou Ln
Texarkana, AR 71854-8375
(903) 824-0501 (cell)

Danny Stinson
2707 Elizabeth Ann Street
Texarkana, TX 75503
(903) 701-3914
(903) 838-6778