National Music Week2019-07-30T15:19:25-05:00


National Music Week

National Music Week has as its objective “to create an understanding and appreciation of the value of music in the home, the community, the nation, and the world.” National Music Week is sponsored by the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC).

National Music Week Essay Contest

As part of National Music Week, the National Federation of Music Clubs offers an Essay Contest. The contest is open to students in grades 7-12. The essay must be typed and not exceed 500 words in length. Membership in NFMC is not required.

The National Music Week Theme for 2020 is “Music . . . a Magic Carpet.” An award of $75 will be presented to the winner in each of the 50 states where a winner is declared. An Award of Merit certificate will be presented to each winner and teacher.

Please see the application form for more information. Entry form and essay must be uploaded to the NFMC site by January 10, 2020.

The Arkansas winner will be invited to present his/her essay at the AFMC Convention.

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